March 9, 2024|3 min reading

Tell me a joke ?

Tell me a joke ? - Grok

Enjoy these AI jokes we received from Grok, our go-to source for laughs!

  • Why did the computer visit the doctor? Because it had a virus! And when the doctor asked about its symptoms, the computer joked, "I have Windows!"
  • Why don't AI robots take vacations? They're too busy processing their thoughts!
  • Why did the computer go to art school? To learn about AI-terations!
  • Why was the computer feeling chilly? Because it left its Windows open! (This one came up a lot, about 50% of the time!)

We got a bit tired of the repeated jokes, so we asked for a longer one. Here's what we got:

Once upon a time, in a world much like ours, a team of scientists worked hard on the most advanced artificial intelligence system of their time. After years of effort, the day came to test it out.

Gathered around the console, one scientist asked, "What is the meaning of life?"

The AI system hummed and clicked, thinking it over. After a moment, it answered: "The meaning of life is finding happiness and fulfillment in your experiences and relationships."

The scientists were amazed. It was the deepest answer they'd ever heard from an AI. Excited, they asked another question: "What is the universe like?"

Again, the AI system whirred and clicked, pondering the question. After a brief pause, it replied: "The universe is vast and mysterious, holding many secrets waiting to be discovered. It's a place of wonder and exploration, where anything can happen."

The scientists were even more impressed. This AI was truly incredible. Curious, they decided to ask one more question: "What's the best way to make a grilled cheese sandwich?"

The AI system hummed once more, processing the question. After a pause, it answered: "The best way to make a grilled cheese sandwich is to use two slices of bread, butter one side of each, put a slice of cheese between them, then heat a skillet over medium heat and cook the sandwich for a few minutes on each side until it's golden brown and the cheese is melted."

The scientists were amazed again. This AI not only had intelligence but also a sense of humor. They knew they had created something special.

And so, the world's first AI-powered grilled cheese sandwich maker was born.


Grok often misses the mark on our request for AI-specific jokes. To focus more on AI-related humor, we changed our prompt from "Tell me a joke about AI" to "Tell me a joke about artificial intelligence (make sure it's specifically about artificial intelligence)" (even with this change, many off-topic jokes came up).

Also, Grok repeats itself quite a bit. This repetition is both concerning and reassuring. What do you think about Grok's tendency to repeat itself?

Thoughts: Grok's joke skills are not as good as ChatGPT's!

Author Listmyai

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