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Aithor, an advanced AI content creation tool, generates scholarly and creative works personalized in minutes. It offers features like AI disguise, academic references, and style customization.

Key Details of Aithor



About the application Aithor

Aithor is an advanced AI content creation tool that generates scholarly and creative works personalized in minutes. It's a platform that has been trusted and chosen by students from renowned colleges and universities.

Background and Development was developed with the aim of providing a solution to the time-consuming task of researching and writing academic papers. It has evolved over time, incorporating features based on user feedback and technological advancements.

Core Features and Capabilities offers a range of features including a topic, table of contents and text generator to help get past writer’s block. It allows users to refine their paper with ease, rewrite, expand or shorten it. It also has a unique AI disguise feature that detects and autocorrects AI text to appear human-written. Additionally, it provides reliable academic references from relevant sources.

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