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Coral Ai

Revolutionize your research with Coral AI! This tool uses advanced AI to search, summarize, and translate PDF documents, saving you time and boosting productivity.

Key Details of Coral Ai

Coral Ai


About the application Coral Ai

Coral AI is a revolutionary tool that leverages artificial intelligence to search and summarize documents. This tool is designed to cut reading time in half by providing answers, summaries, translations, and citations in seconds after uploading a PDF. It is trusted by researchers, academics, and professionals across various fields.

Background and Development

Coral AI was developed with the aim of enhancing productivity and simplifying the process of document analysis. The team behind its creation has worked tirelessly to ensure it meets the needs of its users, evolving over time to incorporate more features and improve its capabilities.

Core Features and Capabilities

Coral AI offers a range of features including the ability to summarize and simplify documents, ask questions about the content, translate over 90 languages, provide citations, search without keywords, and generate study guides. These features are designed to serve its users by providing quick and accurate information from any uploaded document.

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