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Generate tailored cover letters in minutes with CovrLtr, an AI-powered tool that combines your CV and job description to create standout applications.

Key Details of CovrLtr



About the application CovrLtr

CovrLtr is an AI-powered tool designed to help job seekers create compelling cover letters in minutes. By simply adding your job description and CV, CovrLtr generates a tailored cover letter that highlights your skills and experiences relevant to the role you're applying for.

Background and Development

CovrLtr was developed by Sliced Backhand Ltd. with the aim of simplifying the job application process. The tool uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze job descriptions and CVs, and generate personalized cover letters.

Core Features and Capabilities

CovrLtr offers a range of features including the ability to create multiple job roles, add job descriptions, and add your CV to create tailored cover letters. It also offers different pricing plans based on the number of cover letters you need.

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