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Dittto is an AI-powered tool that helps you refine your hero copy messaging, making your product instantly clear to customers. It offers brand voice recommendations, hero copy studio, and website positioning audit.

Key Details of Dittto



About the application Dittto

Dittto is an innovative tool designed to help businesses and individuals refine their hero copy messaging. By leveraging AI technology, Dittto ensures your product is instantly clear to best-fit customers, at first glance.

Background and Development

Dittto was developed with the understanding that confusing hero copy can significantly impact conversion rates. With this in mind, the tool was designed to replicate top brands' hero copy with your own value propositions.

Core Features and Capabilities

Dittto offers a range of features including the ability to automatically discover brand voices for you to 'try on', create multiple production-ready hero copy variations for A/B testing, and optimize your product positioning to first-time visitors.

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