

Ginger, the AI-powered writing assistant, corrects texts, improves style, and boosts creativity. Trusted by over 8 million users.

Key Details of Ginger

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About the application Ginger

Ginger is an AI-powered writing assistant designed to correct your texts, improve your style, and boost your creativity. It goes beyond spelling and grammar, taking into account full sentences to suggest context-based corrections. This drastically speeds up your writing - especially for long emails or documents!

Background and Development

Ginger has been trusted by over 8 million users worldwide. It offers correction of multiple mistakes at once, rephrasing, and synonyms on various sites.

Core Features and Capabilities

Ginger provides a rich variety of synonyms and expressions to find the perfect match for your writing. It also suggests inspiring alternatives for conveying your intended message, particularly useful for streamlining wordy sentences.

User Experience

Ginger works across all websites, tools, and devices. Get suggestions from Ginger while posting a Tweet, writing on Gmail, drafting a Word document, and anywhere you write!

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