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A multi-lingual technology platform that transcribes speech to text in your local language. Trusted by companies of all sizes.

Key Details of Izwe

Izwe Website Screenshot


About the application Izwe

izwe.ai is a multi-lingual technology platform that transcribes speech to text in your local language. It is an innovative, digital, and universal solution trusted by companies of all sizes, from startups to enterprises.

Background and Development

izwe.ai is powered by Telkom & Enlabeler, and it has been developed with a focus on supporting many South African languages. The platform has been designed to transcribe large volumes and derive customer insights with Qonda, an automatic agent assessment tool with support from an internal knowledge base.

Core Features and Capabilities

The platform offers recommendations for actions and additional professional services. Developers can automate their transcriptions using the transcription API to build out their application's African Language support, including Speech and Text. They can seamlessly plug into our human workforce for text and audio labelling.

User Experience

The user interface of izwe.ai is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. It offers a personal account for users to manage their transcriptions and participate in competitions.

Applications and Use Cases

izwe.ai can be used across various sectors for transcribing speech to text in local languages. It is particularly useful in customer experience management for enterprises, where large volumes of customer interactions can be transcribed and analyzed for insights.

Impact and Future Outlook

izwe.ai is set to revolutionize the way businesses and individuals transcribe speech to text, particularly in South African languages. With its innovative features and capabilities, it is poised to become a leading tool in its domain.

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