

Neurons is an AI copilot built on neuroscience, designed to boost ad performance and build unforgettable campaigns. With 20+ years of neuroscience experience, it has processed 10M+ images and 100B+ datapoints.

Key Details of Neurons

  • Categories: #API
  • This tool is verified
  • August 19, 2024
  • Free
NeuronsWebsite Screenshot


About the application Neurons

Neurons is a revolutionary tool that leverages over two decades of neuroscience research to optimize ad performance. It provides rapid feedback on visuals and offers AI recommendations to enhance ad campaigns.

Background and Development

Neurons is built on a foundation of 20+ years of neuroscience experience. It has processed over 10 million images and accumulated over 100 billion datapoints, making it a trusted tool for some of the world's biggest brands, including Estee Lauder, Google, Facebook, and H&M.

Core Features and Capabilities

Neurons offers a range of features including Attention Heatmaps & AOIs, Cognitive Scores & Benchmarks, and a Compare view for A/B Testing. These features allow users to visualize audience attention, predict customer responses, and compare designs side-by-side.

User Experience

Neurons provides a user-friendly experience, offering personalized recommendations and fine-tuning ads based on industry, platform, and more. It caters to both agencies and marketers, providing data-driven campaigns and creative freedom.

Applications and Use Cases

Neurons can be used across various sectors to drive revenue with creatives that work. It is applicable for agencies looking to win over clients with data-driven campaigns and for marketers seeking to stop endless design revisions.

Impact and Future Outlook

Neurons continues to shape the future of ad campaigns with its neuroscience-based AI. It is constantly evolving, with a focus on revealing key insights and driving revenue with creatives that work.

Neurons | Featured on Listmyai

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