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Ocean Protocol

Ocean Protocol offers a groundbreaking technology to unlock big data for AI, enabling monetization of AI models & data while preserving privacy.

Key Details of Ocean Protocol

  • Categories: #Trading
  • This tool is verified
  • May 28, 2024
  • Free
Ocean ProtocolWebsite Screenshot


About the application Ocean Protocol

Ocean Protocol is a revolutionary platform that brings together AI and data tokenization. It offers a unique solution to monetize AI models and data while preserving privacy. The platform is designed to run AI-powered prediction bots or trading bots on crypto price feeds, offering a new way to earn rewards.

Background and Development

Ocean Protocol was featured in several renowned publications including New York Times, BBC Capital, Forbes, Wired, HBR, and MIT Tech Review. The platform has been developed with a focus on providing a secure and efficient environment for data science competitions, allowing participants to earn rewards.

Core Features and Capabilities

Ocean Protocol introduces Data NFTs and Datatokens, innovative technologies that protect intellectual property and control access to information. The platform also offers Compute-to-Data, a feature that shifts computation towards the data, enabling remote machine learning and AI without relocating assets.

User Experience

The platform provides a user-friendly interface for building token-gated AI dApps & APIs, in Javascript or Python. It also offers a range of resources for learning and exploring the ecosystem.

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