

PrepAI is an AI-powered tool for creating, conducting, and grading online tests, making assessments easy for educators and ed-tech businesses.

Key Details of PrepAI

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About the application PrepAI

PrepAI is a one-stop solution for making tests easy for educators, and ed-tech businesses. It uses advanced AI algorithms to generate online tests and quizzes in a few minutes. It also allows for the analysis of the critical thinking power of students by creating questions based on Bloom's Taxonomy levels. With an easy-to-use dashboard and auto-grading system, PrepAI makes the creation and conduction of online tests effortless.

PrepAI was developed by DataToBiz with the aim of redefining assessments. It has evolved into a robust tool that saves over 10 hours and $59 per month, creating 100 questions per month. It offers a unique mobile experience, allowing users to create and access tests anytime, anywhere.

The core features of PrepAI include an easy-to-use dashboard, effortless assessments sharing options, and easy export/download of question papers. It supports multiple content input options and generates high-quality questions in just a few clicks. It also offers an automated grading system and easy generation of mock/practice tests.

PrepAI is versatile and can be used across different scenarios or sectors. It is particularly useful for educators, students, and ed-tech professionals. It is backed by advanced AI algorithms and offers a smart & easy test creation process.

Looking ahead, PrepAI aims to continue to innovate and improve, making assessments even easier and more efficient for its users.

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