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Shortwave, an AI-powered email assistant, enhances productivity with smart features like AI writing, search, scheduling, and more.

Key Details of Shortwave



About the application Shortwave

Shortwave is an AI-powered email assistant designed to supercharge your productivity. It offers a unique blend of features including AI writing, search, scheduling, and more, all aimed at making your email experience seamless and efficient.

Background and Development

Shortwave was developed by a team of professionals who recognized the need for a more efficient way to manage emails. The tool has been adopted by leading companies worldwide, including Twilio, Y Combinator, Gusto, Spotify, G2, Grammarly, Roblox, and Udacity.

Core Features and Capabilities

Shortwave boasts a range of features that set it apart from traditional email platforms. These include AI-powered writing and search, smart inline suggestions, email summarization, and AI-generated meeting invites and scheduling emails.

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