

Smartintervu is an AI-powered platform offering automated interviews, personalized AI modals, and detailed interview reports to enhance recruitment capabilities.

Key Details of Smartintervu

  • Categories: #MCQ Solver
  • This tool is verified
  • July 5, 2024
  • Free
SmartintervuWebsite Screenshot


About the application Smartintervu

Smartintervu is revolutionizing the recruitment process with its AI-powered platform. It offers automated interviews, personalized AI modals, and detailed interview reports to enhance recruitment capabilities. The platform is designed to save time and reduce costs in the recruitment process.

Background and Development

Smartintervu was developed with the aim of automating the recruitment process. The platform uses advanced AI technology to conduct virtual interviews, analyze candidate performance, and provide detailed feedback reports.

Core Features and Capabilities

Smartintervu offers a range of features including automated interviews, personalized AI modals, detailed interview reports, and smart dashboards. Users can fine-tune their AI modals with their data, customize interview bots, and create reusable interview templates.

User Experience

The platform provides a user-friendly interface with customizable features. Users can choose their own interview questions, select voice and tone for their AI, and much more to make their interviews engaging.

Applications and Use Cases

Smartintervu can be used by recruiters to automate their recruitment process, save time, and reduce costs. It can also be used by companies to personalize their recruitment process according to their specific needs.

Impact and Future Outlook

Smartintervu is set to change the way companies recruit. With its advanced AI technology, it is expected to significantly reduce recruitment time and costs, while improving the quality of candidates selected.

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