TTSAI® by ENTD is an AI-powered tool that converts text into voice, supporting over 80 languages and 1000 voices.

Key Details of TTSAI

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About the application TTSAI

TTSAI® by ENTD is a revolutionary tool that leverages artificial intelligence to convert text into voice. It offers a wide range of languages and voices, making it a versatile solution for various applications.

Background and Development

TTSAI® was developed by ENTD with the aim of transforming digital communication. The tool has been continuously improved, expanding its language and voice options to cater to a global audience.

Core Features and Capabilities

TTSAI® supports over 80 languages and 1000 voices. It offers both standard and AI voices, providing flexibility for different use cases. The tool also features a flexible pricing model, making it accessible for different budgets.

User Experience

TTSAI® offers a user-friendly interface where users can easily input their text and select their preferred language and voice. The tool then converts the text into an audio file that users can download.

Applications and Use Cases

TTSAI® can be used in various sectors including e-learning, telephony and call centers, content creation, support for the disabled, voiceover and video creation, and internationalization. It can help improve course quality, engage customers, make content more accessible, assist people with speech and hearing difficulties, create unique voiceovers, and expand business reach.

Impact and Future Outlook

TTSAI® has received positive testimonials from users and partners, highlighting its impact in enhancing digital communication. The tool is expected to continue evolving, with future improvements guided by user feedback.

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