

Watchdog is an AI-powered tool that fully automates chat moderation for your Telegram, Discord, or Reddit community. It helps to improve user retention, enforce rules automatically, and setup within a minute.

Key Details of Watchdog

  • Categories: #ChatGPT
  • This tool is verified
  • July 24, 2024
  • Paid
WatchdogWebsite Screenshot


About the application Watchdog

Watchdog is a revolutionary tool designed to automate chat moderation across various platforms including Telegram, Discord, and Reddit. It's a solution to the time-consuming task of manually moderating chats, eliminating the need for human moderators and the costs associated with them.

Background and Development

Watchdog was developed by Ben, a solo developer who experienced first-hand the challenges of managing a thriving online community. After trolls invaded his game server and chat group, causing a significant drop in revenue, he created Watchdog to help others avoid similar issues.

Core Features and Capabilities

Watchdog offers automatic rule enforcement, a 1-minute no-code setup, and the ability to improve user retention. It's designed to keep rulebreakers, trolls, and spambots at bay, ensuring a positive community atmosphere.

User Experience

Users have praised Watchdog for its ease of use and effectiveness. It's been credited with cleaning up spam and maintaining order in chat groups, even while the moderators are away.

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