

Writier is an AI-powered tool that helps overcome writer's block by generating high-quality, original content in seconds. It offers language autodetection, long-form editing, and project management features.

Key Details of Writier

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About the application Writier

Writier is a revolutionary tool that uses AI to assist in content creation. It's designed to help writers overcome the common problem of writer's block, offering AI-powered sentence completions to kickstart the writing process.

Background and Development

Writier was developed with the aim of making writing easier and more efficient. It's powered by GPT-3, a machine learning model trained on millions of articles, providing users with high-quality content suggestions.

Core Features and Capabilities

Writier offers a range of features including language autodetection, a long-form editor, and project management tools. It also provides headline suggestions, an intro paragraph generator, AI settings, auto-saving, a grammar checker, and PDF export capabilities.

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