AFFiNE AI is a multimodal AI copilot that enhances your writing, drawing, and presenting skills. It offers instant insights, inline editing, mind-mapping, and more.

Key Details of AFFiNE AI



About the application AFFiNE AI

AFFiNE AI is a revolutionary tool designed to assist you in writing, drawing, and presenting. It's your AI partner that helps you perform better in these areas, providing insights, perfecting tone, summarizing content, and more - all in seconds.

Background and Development

AFFiNE AI is developed by Toeverything, a company committed to shaping technology, not just adapting to it. The tool is a result of their dedication to providing solutions that enhance productivity and creativity.

Core Features and Capabilities

AFFiNE AI offers a range of features including instant chat with AI for insights, inline editing for perfect tone and summaries, and one-click presentation creation. It also provides a unique feature of generating mind-maps to expand thinking and untangle complexity.

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