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ArtBot, an interactive tool for creating generative AI artwork, harnesses the power of the Stable Horde distributed cluster.

Key Details of ArtBot



About the application ArtBot

ArtBot is an innovative tool that allows users to create generative AI artwork. It is a front-end web client designed for interacting with the Stable Horde distributed cluster, an open-source platform that utilizes idle GPU power provided by a community of users.

Background and Development

ArtBot was initially built as a side project by davely, who wanted to experiment with various client-side technologies. The tool has since evolved, with its source code available on Github for contributions and feedback.

Core Features and Capabilities

ArtBot offers a range of features including Create, ControlNet, img2img, Inpainting, Live Paint, and more. Users can also manage their creations through the 'Manage Workers' and 'ArtBot Prefs' options.

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