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Carpio is an AI-powered tool designed to create, optimise, and translate product listing content at scale for brands and agencies.

Key Details of Carpio



About the application Carpio

Carpio is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the process of creating, optimising, and translating product listing content at scale for brands and agencies. Developed by Amazon and marketplace experts, Carpio leverages advanced algorithms to generate high-quality descriptions, titles, and other materials for product listings.

Background and Development

Carpio was conceived and built by a team of Amazon and marketplace experts who have worked with hundreds of brands. The tool was developed to address the challenges and time-consuming nature of producing consistent, quality product content manually.

Core Features and Capabilities

Carpio is designed to work at scale, capable of handling single to thousands of products. It allows for the import and export of product data directly from and to Amazon Excel format files and other bulk formats. The AI-generated content ensures a high level of control and consistency over the voice and style of the generated content.

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