

Evant is a powerful SMS community engagement platform designed to manage, engage, and grow your community. It helps increase event attendance, reduce no-shows, and streamline RSVPs.

Key Details of Evant

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About the application Evant

Evant is a revolutionary SMS community engagement platform that transforms the way non-profits, universities, and organizations manage their events. With a focus on increasing event attendance, reducing no-shows, and boosting donations, Evant is the go-to solution for over 125,000 people.

Background and Development

Evant was developed with the aim of helping organizations effectively engage with their community members. It addresses the frustration that 90% of customers experience when interacting with organizations, offering a personalized messaging approach that builds real relationships.

Core Features and Capabilities

Evant offers a range of features including streamlined communication, efficiency & cost savings, and engagement insights. It allows organizations to say goodbye to spam emails, lengthy forms, and tedious follow-ups, saving hundreds of staff hours. With 96% of texts read within 3-minutes, Evant ensures higher participation compared to emails, sign-up forms, or phone calls.

User Experience

Evant provides a user-friendly interface that allows easy management of events. It offers powerful RSVP and scheduling features, automates manual tasks, and integrates seamlessly with existing tools.

Applications and Use Cases

Evant is used by a wide range of organizations including non-profits, universities, and community-driven organizations. It has proven to be effective in increasing event attendance, reducing no-shows, and boosting donations.

Impact and Future Outlook

Evant continues to transform community engagement through its innovative platform. With its focus on continuous improvement and user feedback, Evant is set to revolutionize event management even further.

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