

GrammarBot is the first AI app that fixes your grammar and spelling without the need for an internet connection or subscriptions. It's like having a free ChatGPT on your laptop.

Key Details of GrammarBot

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About the application GrammarBot

GrammarBot is a revolutionary tool designed to help you write flawless English. It's an AI-powered application that corrects your grammar and spelling errors without the need for an internet connection or subscriptions.

Background and Development

GrammarBot was developed by GazelleLabs LLC, a company dedicated to creating innovative AI solutions. The tool works with a local LLM (large language model), AI models that understand and generate natural language.

Core Features and Capabilities

GrammarBot offers a range of features including checking your grammar before sending an email, posting to LinkedIn, and more. It's a pay-once, use-forever tool that includes lifetime usage, AI model, 1 year of updates, and email support.

User Experience

GrammarBot is easy to use. Simply download the AI model, set up your favorite hotkey, and start improving your English.

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