

heardeer is an AI-led interview tool that collects user feedback and conducts multilingual interviews, freeing you to tackle more complex tasks.

Key Details of Heardeer

  • Categories: #Presentations
  • This tool is verified
  • July 15, 2024
  • Freemium
HeardeerWebsite Screenshot


About the application Heardeer

heardeer is an innovative tool that revolutionizes the way user interviews are conducted. By leveraging artificial intelligence, it allows for the collection of over 1000+ user interviews in just 35 minutes.

Background and Development

heardeer was developed with the aim of simplifying user interviews and making them more efficient. It uses AI to conduct personalized, in-depth discussions, providing detailed, automated reports packed with insights.

Core Features and Capabilities

heardeer offers a range of features including AI-led interviews, question generator, screener question, and global research. It creates custom, expert-level interview questionnaires tailored to your goals and uses screener questions to filter participants effectively.

User Experience

Users have praised heardeer for its ease of use and the comfort it provides during interviews. It allows for interviewing anytime, anywhere, and because it's AI, users don't feel embarrassed about making verbal mistakes.

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