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Layer1 is a revolutionary tool that empowers you to build a digital life data set, giving you unprecedented control and ownership over your data.

Key Details of Layer1



About the application Layer1

Layer1 is a groundbreaking tool that enables you to construct a digital life data set. It offers you the power to decide what to capture, ensuring your data is secure and fully owned by you. Layer1 is not just a tool, it's a superpower that transforms your computer into a supercomputer.

Background and Development

Layer1 was born out of the increasing need to free up mind space in the everyday user. Ali Jelveh, Marco Buhlmann, and Thies Arntzen, recognizing the growing anxiety of losing digital information, came together to create Layer1. With the backing of seasoned Silicon Valley VCs like Tim Draper and Elementum Ventures, they're shaping the future of how we interact with our screens.

Core Features and Capabilities

Layer1 offers a range of features that set it apart. It allows you to capture, build, and structure a complete 'Model of You' and query it with the world's most advanced AIs. It also provides you with the ability to pause capture or recording at any moment and delete any of your Layer1 data from your device.

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