ReceiptUp Logo


ReceiptUp is an OCR and AI-powered tool that converts receipt and invoice images into structured data, enhancing financial operations.

Key Details of ReceiptUp

  • Categories: #Text to image
  • This tool is verified
  • June 27, 2024
  • Free Trial


About the application ReceiptUp

ReceiptUp is a powerful tool that leverages OCR and AI technology to transform receipt and invoice images into structured data. This tool is designed to streamline financial operations and enhance business analytics by providing accurate and efficient data extraction.

Background and Development

ReceiptUp was developed with the aim of simplifying financial data management. It is capable of handling diverse sales tax types across multiple countries, making it a global solution for businesses.

Core Features and Capabilities

ReceiptUp offers high accuracy data extraction, multilingual OCR, and region-specific data extraction. It supports over 50 languages and various image formats and PDFs. It also allows users to download their data to popular accounting file types.

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