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An AI-powered legal assistant transforming how lawyers surface insights, collaborate, and deliver results.

Key Details of Sinequa



About the application Sinequa

Sinequa’s Augmented Lawyer is a cutting-edge GenAI Assistant designed exclusively for legal professionals. It integrates advanced AI retrieval and generative AI technologies, revolutionizing the way legal teams discover and validate insights, collaborate with colleagues, and deliver client results.

Background and Development

Grounded in over 20 years of R&D in NLP, deep learning, and search, Sinequa’s industry-leading platform is trusted by organizations worldwide. It is equipped with sophisticated security protocols designed to keep sensitive data secure.

Core Features and Capabilities

The tool offers unlimited content sources, an always-on assistant, a comprehensive matter view, and an expert finder. It can summarize matters, draft documents, extract key details of a contract, and more.

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