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Smodin is an AI-powered tool that aids in writing, research, and content generation. It offers unique features like plagiarism detection, citation generation, and more.

Key Details of Smodin



About the application Smodin

Smodin is an innovative tool that revolutionizes the way you write, research, and generate content. It's not just a writing tool; it's a comprehensive solution that caters to students, teachers, writers, and businesses alike.

Background and Development

Smodin was developed with the aim to make writing and research a breeze. It's the result of extensive research and development by a team of experts who understand the challenges of content creation. Over the years, Smodin has evolved to become a trusted tool for millions of users across 180+ countries.

Core Features and Capabilities

Smodin offers a plethora of features that set it apart. It's an AI grader, a content detector, a rewriter, and much more. It's also equipped with AI-powered research tools that help you research faster and more efficiently. Smodin also automatically generates references in MLA and APA formats, making it a favorite among academic writers.

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