

Tapesearch, the largest open database of podcast transcripts. Find, explore and unlock spoken content instantly.

Key Details of Tapesearch

  • Categories: #Research
  • This tool is verified
  • August 10, 2024
  • Freemium
TapesearchWebsite Screenshot


About the application Tapesearch

Tapesearch is a revolutionary tool that allows users to search through millions of podcast transcripts, making it easier than ever to find specific content. With Tapesearch, you can dive into the largest open database of transcripts and go straight to the audio sample. It's trusted by over 3,400 listeners and is ideal for market research, open-source intelligence, podcasters, and the curious listener.

Background and Development

Tapesearch was developed with the aim of making podcast content more accessible and searchable. It has grown to become the largest open database of podcast transcripts, with over 2 million transcripts and counting.

Core Features and Capabilities

Tapesearch offers a range of features including rapid transcript search, email alerts for your keywords, and AI-powered chat. It also provides timestamped transcripts with links to the audio segments, and the ability to search for text within titles and summaries.

User Experience

Users have praised Tapesearch for its user-friendly interface and the ease with which they can find the information they need. The tool is also appreciated for its inclusivity, making podcasts more accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing community.

Applications and Use Cases

Tapesearch is used by market researchers, podcast creators, software engineers, and many others who value the ability to search and find specific content in podcasts.

Impact and Future Outlook

Tapesearch has significantly impacted the way users interact with podcasts, making it easier to find and explore spoken content. With its continuous development and expansion, Tapesearch is set to become an even more valuable tool in the future.

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