Creating a Comprehensive SEO Article Outline with WebPilot

Detailed guide on creating a 2,000-word SEO article outline using WebPilot, based on Google's top 10 results.

About Creating a Comprehensive SEO Article Outline with WebPilot

Using WebPilot, create a comprehensive outline for a 2,000-word article on 'Best SEO Prompts', based on Google's top 10 results. The outline should include all relevant headings with high keyword density. Each section should have a specified word count. Include a FAQs section based on Google's 'People also ask' section for the keyword. The outline should be detailed enough to create a 2,000-word article. Generate a list of LSI and NLP keywords related to 'Best SEO Prompts', along with other related words. Provide 3 relevant external links with recommended anchor text, ensuring they are not competing articles. Divide the outline into two parts.