

FreeSubtitles.AI offers free transcription and translation of audio and video files with high accuracy.

Key Details of FreeSubtitles

  • Categories: #Transcriber
  • This tool is verified
  • August 24, 2024
  • Free
FreeSubtitlesWebsite Screenshot


About the application FreeSubtitles

FreeSubtitles.AI is a powerful tool that transcribes audio and video to text and offers automatic free translation. It caters to both free and paid users, with varying features and capabilities.

Background and Development

FreeSubtitles.AI is developed by Saint Technology Inc. It has evolved over time, improving its transcription and translation models to provide better accuracy.

Core Features and Capabilities

The tool supports a maximum file size of 10 GB and a maximum duration of 10 hours for paid users. It uses the Whisper Model Large V2 for transcription and DeepL, Yandex for translation, providing the best accuracy.

User Experience

The tool allows users to upload files or use an automatic media downloader. It supports auto-detection of file language and offers translation to different languages.

Applications and Use Cases

FreeSubtitles.AI can be used in various scenarios, including professional settings for transcribing meetings or personal use for transcribing audio notes.

Key Features

  • Maximum 10 GB File Size
  • Maximum 10 Hour Duration
  • Whisper Model Large V2 Transcription
  • DeepL, Yandex Translation

Impact and Future Outlook

FreeSubtitles.AI has made transcription and translation accessible to everyone. Its future development directions include improving accuracy and expanding language options.

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