

A commercially safe AI model developed in partnership with NVIDIA, trained on Getty Images' content for high-quality image generation.

Key Details of Gettyimages

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About the application Gettyimages

Generative AI by Getty Images is a revolutionary tool that has been developed in partnership with NVIDIA. This AI model is trained exclusively on Getty Images' best-in-class creative content and data, ensuring the generation of high-quality images. The model compensates content creators for the use of their work, fostering a sustainable creative ecosystem.

Background and Development

The tool is a result of a strategic partnership between Getty Images and NVIDIA. It aims to provide a commercially safe AI model that generates images backed by Getty Images' uncapped legal indemnification. This ensures that the images generated and licensed are legally safe.

Core Features and Capabilities

The AI model accepts English language prompts composed of keywords that describe a subject and its styles. It also allows users to specify negative prompts to exclude certain concepts, objects, styles, or attributes from the generated images. The tool offers additional parameters like mediatype, aspectratio, and mood to customize the generated content.

User Experience

Access to the image generation functionality is restricted to Getty Images customers and partners with an AI Generation license agreement. The tool provides full AI Generation API technical documentation for a seamless user experience.

Applications and Use Cases

The tool can be used across various sectors for generating high-quality images. From ideation to execution, Generative AI combines perfectly with the pre-shot Getty Images content libraries and solutions to elevate the entire creative process.

Impact and Future Outlook

Generative AI by Getty Images is set to revolutionize the way we generate and use images. It not only ensures the generation of high-quality images but also compensates content creators, thereby fostering a sustainable creative ecosystem.

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